Block Ads On Youtube In Android | How To
Block YouTube Ads On Android (Root Required):
First of all, you need to root your android device because the app that we are going to discuss right here only works on rooted android and for that see our tutorial on Root Any Android.
Now after you rooted your device, download and install the app Xposed Installer. After installing this app, you have to reboot your android to make this app work correctly on your android.
Now you need to download a module that is Youtube Adaway in your android. Now open Xposed installer app and then enable this module for your device.
Now go to Youtube Adaway app and then simply click on Hide ads and also you set some other options like hiding some other unnecessary media from the youtube app.
That’s it! you are done, now you can easily watch your favorite videos in Youtube Official app in your android without seeing any ad on it.